It is a pleasure for me to present to you my hypothesis
“The back-bone-growing-disease-model”.
It is presented to be available to all medical specialities, and all interested people. The hypothesis is rooted in both public health medicine, knowledge of human nutrition, knowledge of normal bodies, and allergology, and should be used by practitioners, paediatrics, rheumatologists, orthopaedics, some medical and surgical subspecialities, and in public health. It is a wide range of specialities, and none of the specialised papers would think my hypothesis is in their subject area, until the hypothesis is known as a whole. I here describe the model, and the specialities can go on with further studies in their own areas. You are welcome to do this. If you do, please inform me. If there is enough response, I make a chat-room to give the discussion place.
The hypothesis is not published as a normal medical article, because my basic data is not a double blind examination. I want to present it as hypothesis-making, because it is great material, with many good points. It is important to me to share the thinking about children's ability to rebuild their body, when they get the opportunity to do it. And with this hypothesis I try to impose an important consideration early in the clinical practice of bone and joint diseases.
I have done the survey alone, because I work alone as a doctor in my area, and because the hypothesis is too complicated to be set up in one single standard survey and shared in that way. To this comes, that the material probably has to be seen from a geographic point of view. Denmark is placed rather northerly, and we only have enough sun a few months a year. This fact is hardly used in medical treatment here.
Now the hypothesis is published in my private home page. Later on, the description of “materials, method and discussion” will be added, together with presentation of the data in the “Health-model” form. My Danish colleagues have been informed by my results in 2 lectures some years ago. I have published some small parts of the ideas in the Danish Ugeskr.læ. Many of my colleagues are interested in the hypothesis. Most of the parents understand the explanation, and many implement the guidance. Most of the guidance is merely a reminder of what already is prescripted by the National Board of Health.
The issue here is public health. The hypothesis sets focus on our food culture, and later focus on the many details, which have to be examined one by one. I hope this will prevent spoiling the body already in childhood.
It is necessary to publish the idea now, to share it with other researchers and interested people, and to stop the bad development before the changes are fixed. The children do not have time to wait 10 years for a regular survey.
I am not sponsored at all. I have typed all the data in my leisure time for years, and use open-office-free-version database to handle the data.
With kind regards from
Helga Irene Wolf